Finding the Bad Actor: Custom scoring & forensic name matching with Elasticsearch
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Both Solr and Elasticsearch include suggester components, which can be used to provide search engine users with suggested completions of queries as they type:
Query autocomplete has become an expected part of the search experience. Its benefits to the user include les...
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I finally made it to a London Elastic Meetup again after missing a few of the recent events: this time Rightmove were the hosts and the first speakers. They described how they had used Elasticsearch Percolator to run 3.5 million stored searches on new property listings as part of an overall migration from the Exalead search engine and Oracle database to a new stack bas...
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JSON has been the lingua franca of data exchange for many years. It's human-readable, lightweight and widely supported. However, the JSON spec does not define what parsers should do when they encounter a duplicate key in an object, e.g.:
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Here at Flax, we're often called in to take a look at existing Apache Solr or Elasticsearch search applications, to suggest improvements, tune-ups or enhancements. It's impossible for us to know ahead of time what we might find - out-of-date versions of the software, slow performance on either (or both) the indexing or search side of the application ...
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We recently did a proof-of-concept project for a customer which ingested log events from various sources into a Kafka - Logstash - Elasticsearch - Kibana stack. This was configured with Ansible and hosted on about a dozen VMs inside the customer's main...
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This month's Elasticsearch Meetup was hosted by Argos at their Victoria Digital Hub with a relatively small crowd this time - I suspect quite a few who registered didn't actually turn up or release their tickets, which is a shame as there was a waiting list.
Mark Harwood of Elastic was first with a talk about the new Graph API and visua...
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One of the questions we're asked all the time is which of the two most popular open source search engines is best for a particular use case - and the answer is always 'it depends'. Broadly speaking, Apache Lucene/Solr and Elasticsearch are very similar in terms of features and performance. If you've already chosen one of them, there's very few reasons to incur the inevitable extra work of switching to the other. However if you're still not sure which to choose, read on.
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Over the last 18 months we've been working closely with the European Bioinformatics Institute on a project to improve their use of open source search engines, funded by the BBSRC. The project was originally named BioSolr but has since grown to encompass Read more
A search-based suggester for Elasticsearch with security filters

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Elastic London Meetup: Rightmove & Signal Media and a new free security plugin for Elasticsearch
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Elasticsearch, Kibana and duplicate keys in JSON
{ "foo": "spam", "foo": "eggs", ... }Implementations are free to interpret this how they like. When different systems have different interpretations this can cause problems. We recently encounter...
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Can we fix your Solr or Elasticsearch system in a single day?
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Running out of disk space with Elasticsearch and Solr: a solution
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Elasticsearch London Meetup – Exploring the Graph API & SearchKit UI components
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Choosing between Elasticsearch and Solr
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Elasticsearch Training
Flexible training on Elasticsearch delivered by experts
Flax provides a range of flexible training for Beats, Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (the Elastic Stack). Training is delivered by domain experts with many years experience of building scalable and accurate ELK Stack applications.- Classroom-based or one-to-one
- On-site or at a venue convenient to you
- Customised content for developers, management and support staff
- Ongoing mentorin...
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