Better search for life sciences at the BioSolr Workshop, day 2 – Elasticsearch & others

Over the last 18 months we've been working closely with the European Bioinformatics Institute on a project to improve their use of open source search engines, funded by the BBSRC. The project was originally named BioSolr but has since grown to encompass Continue reading

Elastic London User Group Meetup – scaling with Kafka and Cassandra

The Elastic London User Group Meetup this week was slightly unusual in that the talks focussed not so much on Elasticsearch but rather on how to scale the systems around it using other technologies. First up was Paul Stack with an amusing description of how he had worked on scaling the logging infrastructure for a major restaurant booking website, to cope with hundreds ...Continue reading

ElasticSearch London Meetup – a busy and interesting evening!

I was lucky enough to attend the London ElasticSearch User Group's Meetup last night - around 130 people came to the Goldman Sachs offices in Fleet Street with many more on the waiting list. It signifies quite how much interest there is in ElasticSearch these days and the event didn't disappoint, with some fascinating talks. Hugo Pickford-Wardle from Continue reading

Updating individual fields in Lucene with a Redis-backed codec

A customer of ours has a potential search application which requires (largely for reasons of performance) the ability to update specific individual fields of Apache Lucene documents. This is not the first time that someone has asked for this functionality. However, until now, it has been impossible to change field values in a Lucene document without re-indexing the...Continue reading