This morning the largest open source search project, Apache Lucene/Solr, released a new version with a raft of new features. We’ve been advising clients to consider version 4.0 for several months now, as the alpha and beta versions have become available, and we know of several already running this version on live sites. Here’s a few highlights:
- Solr Cloud – a collection of new features for scalability and high availability (either on your own servers or on the Cloud), integrating Apache Zookeeper for distributed configuration management.
- More NoSQL features in case you’re planning to use Solr as a primary data store, including a transaction log
- A new web administration interface (including Solr Cloud features)
- New spatial search features including polygon support
- General performance improvements across the board (for example, fuzzy queries are 1-200 times faster!)
- Lucene now has pluggable codecs for storing index data on disk – a potentially powerful technique for performance optimisation, we’ve already been experimenting with storing updatable fields in a NoSQL database
- Lucene now has pluggable ranking models, so you can for example use BM25 Bayesian ranking, previously only available in search engines such as HP Autonomy and the open source Xapian.
The new release has been several years in the making and is a considerable improvement on the previous 3.x version – related projects such as elasticsearch will also benefit. There’s also a new book, Solr in Action, just out to coincide with this release. Exciting times ahead!