Search backwards – media monitoring with open source search

We’re working with a number of clients on media monitoring solutions, which are a special case of search application (we’ve worked on this previously for Durrants). In standard search, you apply a single query to a large amount of documents, expecting to get a ranked list of documents that match your query as a result. However in media monitoring you need to search each incoming document (for example, a news article or blog post) with many queries representing what the end user wants to monitor – and you need to do this quickly as you may have tens or hundreds of thousands of articles to monitor in close to real time (Durrants have over 60,000 client queries to apply to half a million articles a day). This ‘backwards’ search isn’t really what search engines were designed to do, so performance could potentially be very poor.

There are several ways around this problem: for example in most cases you don’t need to monitor every article for every client, as they will have told you they’re only interested in certain sources (for example, a car manufacturer might want to keep an eye on car magazines and the reviews in the back page of the Guardian Saturday magazine, but doesn’t care about the rest of the paper or fashion magazines). However, pre-filtering queries in this way can be complex especially when there are so many potential sources of data.

We’ve recently managed to develop a method for searching incoming articles using a brute-force approach based on Apache Lucene which in early tests is performing very well – around 70,000 queries applied to a single article in around a second on a standard MacBook. On suitable server hardware this would be even faster – and of course you have all the other features of Lucene potentially available, such as phrase queries, wildcards and highlighting. We’re looking forward to being able to develop some powerful – and economically scalable – media monitoring solutions based on this core.

2 thoughts on “Search backwards – media monitoring with open source search

  1. Fascinating post.

    This is really complex event processing/event stream processing, doesn’t it? With CEP engines the developer expresses queries that are always “running” as they wait for new events to arrive.

    The only real difference I see is that CEP provides explicit constructs to support time windows, which this application may or may not need.

    Are you using Esper?

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