It's now eleven years since we started Flax (initially as Lemur Consulting Ltd) in late July 2001, deciding to specialise in search application development with a focus on open source software. At the time the fallout from the dotcom crash was still evident and like today the economic picture was far from rosy. Since few people even knew what a search engine was (Google was relatively new and had only started selling advertising a year...Continue reading
Category Archives: News
Flax partners with open source support specialists Sirius Corporation
We're very happy to announce we've partnered with Sirius Corporation. Sirius are the leading U.K. provider of managed services, support and training for open source software with an impressive and growing list of clients including Canonical, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Met Office. We've recently carried out a major project for which Sir...Continue reading
Strange bedfellows? The rise of cloud based search
Last night our US partners Lucid Imagination announced that LucidWorks, their packaged and supported version of Apache Lucene/Solr, is available on Microsoft's Azure cloud computing service. It seems like only a few weeks since Amazon announced their own CloudSearch system and no doubt other 'search as a service' providers are waiting in the wings (we're going to need a new acronym as Sa...Continue reading
Amazon CloudSearch – a game changer?
Amazon have just launched a cloud-based search service, which promises a 'fully managed search service in the cloud' - and it certainly looks impressive, with auto-scaling built in. You simply create a service, upload documents as JSON or XML and then perform searches. For cases where you need to search publically available data this offers a great way to avoid having to install and integrate an...Continue reading
Searching for (and finding) open source in the UK Government
There have been some very encouraging noises recently about increased use of open source software by the UK Government: for example we've seen the creation of an Open Source Procurement Toolkit by the Cabinet Office, which lists Continue reading
The Twelve Days of (Search) Christmas
On the twelfth day of (Search) Christmas my inbox brought to me: Twelve users searching, Eleven pages found, Ten facets shown, Nine Search Meetups, Eight entity extractors, Seven SOLR servers, Six Xapian patches, Five Open Source, Four Continue reading
Is Enterprise Search dead? No, but it's changing…
I spent yesterday morning at Ovum's briefing on Enterprise Search, and they kindly invited me to sit on a discussion panel. One of the more controversial topics raised by analyst Mike Davis was 'Is Enterprise Search dead?' which provoked some lively discussion. We also heard from Tyler Tate of Twigkit on Search UX, Exalead on Search Based Applications and Continue reading
Mixed reactions as HP buys Autonomy
The blogotweetosphere has been positively buzzing since last night's announcement that Hewlett Packard will be buying Autonomy for £7.1bn, while divesting itself of its PC business. Many commentators have put a positive spin on this, pointing to Autonomy's meteoric rise from a small office in Cambridge to the behemoth it is today....Continue reading
Flax’s 10th birthday!
Today marks 10 years since we formed Flax (originally as Lemur Consulting Ltd.). We had an idea that search based on open source software was going to be increasingly important (indeed, our original business model was consultancy based on Xapian) and I think we've been proved right over the decade. Today, in the depths of a recession, we're seeing significant growth in the business and some fascinating opportunities: the sector is still going through rapid cha...Continue reading
Economic Trends in Enterprise Search Solutions – unsustainable pricing in a changing market?
This week I was passed a link to a European Commission report on the Enterprise Search market, which I've just finished ploughing through (it's 123 pages and not exactly light reading). It provides an overview of the history of the market and some current trends, but sadly misses out almost completely the rapidly growing open source sector. The authors say " source solutions have been disregarded because they do n...Continue reading