
If you’re planning a new search project or migrating from a legacy search engine and need to decide which technology might be appropriate, let us help.

As Flax is independent of any vendor, we can provide an entirely neutral viewpoint, backed by decades of experience. We can help you evaluate technologies such as Apache Lucene, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch and decide on the best choice for your use case. If you’d like to know more about the current search market you can watch a brief presentation. We also have experience of other complimentary software including Logstash, Beats, Kibana, Apache Kafka, Apache Samza and Apache Hadoop.

Our expert search consultants can review your existing search platform and technology and provide detailed recommendations as to the best way forward. Using with your own data, we can also help you quickly build a Proof of Concept system that you can use to further refine your objectives. Working with our partners we can also provide help with user experience design.

Contact us to discuss your project with no obligation – we’re always happy to chat about search!