Infomedia A/S are Denmark’s leading provider of media intelligence. Flax assisted Infomedia with a complete redesign of their search and monitoring platform, migrating from the closed-source Autonomy IDOL and Verity software to Apache Solr and the Flax monitor, the latter based on our Luwak library. We presented our work together at the world’s largest media monitoring conference in 2015 – slides are available here.
‘We hired Flax to help us with switching out our old commercial search engine with a new Solr-based platform. This was a monumental task, also involving translating many thousands of old, complicated stored queries into a new language. Throughout the project and beyond Flax has been flexible, easy to work with, extremely competent and able to devise good solutions to complex problems. We consider them a key partner.’
Klaus Wenzel Jørgensen, CTO