flax.core 0.1 available

Charlie wrote previously that we try and work with flexible, lightweight frameworks: flax.core is a Python library for conveniently adding functionality to Xapian projects. The current (and first!) version is 0.1, which can be checked out from the flaxcode repository. This version supports named fields for indexing and search (no need to deal with prefixes or value numbers), facets, simplified query construction, and an optional action-oriented indexing framework.

Unlike Xappy, flax.core makes no attempt to abstract or hide the Xapian API, and is therefore aimed at a rather different audience. The reason is our observation that “interesting” search applications often require customisation at the Xapian API level, for example bespoke MatchDeciders, PostingSources or Sorters. Rather than having to dive in and modify the flax.core code, these application-specific modifications can happily co-exist with the unmodified flax.core (at least, this is the intention). It is also intended that flax.core remains minimal enough to easily port to other languages such as PHP or Java.

The primary flax.core class is Fieldmap, which associates a set of named fields with a Xapian database. As an example, the following code sets up a simple structure of one ‘freetext’ and one ‘filter’ field:

    import xapian
    import flax.core

    db = xapian.WritableDatabase('db', xapian.DB_CREATE)
    fm = flax.core.Fieldmap()
    fm.language = 'en'              # stem for English
    fm.setfield('mytext', False)      # freetext field
    fm.setfield('mydate', True)       # filter field


and this code indexes some text and a datetime:

    doc = fm.document()
    doc.index('mytext', "I don't like spam.")
    doc.index('mydate', datetime(2010, 2, 3, 12, 0))
    fm.add_document(db, doc)

Fields can be of type string, int, float or datetime. These are handled automatically, and are not tied to fieldnames (so it would be possible to have field instances of different types, not that this is a good idea).

Indexing can also be performed by the Action framework. In this case, a text file contains a list of:

  • external identifiers (such as XPaths,  SQL column name etc)
  • flax fieldname
  • indexing actions

For example, an actions file for XML might look like this:

        author: filter(facet)
        author2: index(default)

        published: numeric

This means that ‘Author’ metadata elements are indexed as two flax fields: ‘author’ is a filter field which stores facet values, while ‘author2’ is a freetext field which is searchable by default. ‘Year’ metadata elements are indexed as the flax field ‘published’, which is numeric.

The flaxcode repository contains two example flax.core applications here:


One is an XML indexer implemented in less than 100 lines, the other is a minimal web search application in a similar number of lines. Currently there is no documentation other than these examples and the docstrings in flax.core. If anyone needs some, I’ll put some together.

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